Spring 2020 (FY2019-2020) canceled due to COVID.
Fall 2020 (FY2020-2021) recipients of $25,000 for projects proposed by members of RPCVs of Wisconsin-Madison
- Belize - Full Basket Belize Scholarship and Community Project
- Fiji - Chicken Coop Income Generating Project
- Haiti - Bakery Oven at Village Mozayik
- Haiti - St. Marc's Health Clinic Community Health Initiative
- Liberia - Limbs for Liberia
- Liberia - Yarkpawolo Public School
- Nicaragua - Sanitation and Hygiene Supplies - Report
- Nicaragua - The Bees of Monte Belli
- South Africa - Kidlinks Small Farm Incubator
- South Sudan - Haddonfield Community Center
- Togo - PISCES Sustainable Agriculture Teaching Farm